Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


New Permit Fees for PA Marcellus Wells

By Vorys

Adopted by the PA Environmental Quality Board:  "The new fee structure sets a base permit cost of $900 for all Marcellus Shale wells up to 1,500 feet deep, and imposes an additional cost of $100 for every 500 feet of depth past 1,500 feet. The increased fees will take effect in early spring."  The average permit fee for a Marcellus Shale well, according to this article from the Tribune Review, could - according to the PA Department of Environmental Protection - increase to $2,600.  (Link has been corrected.)

[Update:  Following Pennsylvania's lead, New York is considering a similar increase.  (Moved up.)]

Tags: Marcellus, Energy

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

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