Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


FERC Form 552

By Greg Russell

We mentioned previously that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) would be holding a technical conference to address certain issues identified by the FERC Staff regarding Form 552 (Transparency Provisions of Section 23 of the Natural Gas Act).  The Staff recently posted an agenda (including industry panelists), noting that the issues to be addressed include:  "Inconsistencies in reporting upstream transactions in the natural gas supply chain on Form No. 552, and whether these transactions contribute to wholesale price formation; (2) whether transactions involving balancing, cash-out, operational, and in-kind transactions should be reported on Form No. 552; and (3) whether the units of measurement (TBtu) currently used for reporting volumes in the form are appropriate."

For more, see here.

Tags: FERC, Energy

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