Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


SAB: Hydraulic Fracturing Study

By Greg Russell

We've reported previously on U.S. EPA's plans to conduct a study on the potential impact of hydraulic fracturing on the environment (see here, e.g.).  EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) was asked to review and make recommendations on the proposed scope of the study.  It has now published those recommendations here (see Final Report(s)).  Not surprisingly, it concludes that the overall approach and scope for the research plan was "appropriate and comprehensive."  Its suggestion:

[T]hat initial research be directed to study sources and pathways of potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing on water resources, especially potential drinking water sources, and that investigations eventually occur on the impact on water resources more generally. To support this effort, ORD should consider performing in-depth case studies at five to ten different locations selected to represent the full range of regional variability of hydraulic fracturing across the nation. The SAB also recommends that ORD emphasize human health and environmental concerns specific to or significantly influenced by hydraulic fracturing rather than on concerns common to all oil and gas production activities.  (Emphasis is ours.)

Wonder which locations they are thinking of?

Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Energy

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