Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Update: EPA Frac Study

By Greg Russell

We've reported previously on the study being done by U.S. EPA on the potential impact of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water (see here, e.g.).  EPA announced yesterday that eight of the nine frac companies that it had sent a voluntary information request had agreed to provide the sought-after information.  Halliburton refused and is being chastised, by subpoena, by EPA.  From its cover letter:  "EPA believes that Halliburton's response is inadequate and inconsistent with the cooperation shown to date by the other eight companies.  Since Halliburton appears not to be committed to providing all the requested information on an expeditious schedule, EPA, therefore is ordering the submission of the information outlined in the enclosed Subpoena and Information Request, pursuant to the authorities cited therein."

For a copy of the related press release, see here; for a copy of the letter and subpoena, see here and here.

Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Energy

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