Energy Environmental Blog

Target: Natural Gas Industry

Written by Greg Russell | Jun 2, 2012 2:43:02 PM

We've reported previously on the Sierra Club's targeting of the nation's natural gas industry (see here, e.g.).  The WSJ has a similar article here.  "This is no idle threat. The Sierra Club has deep pockets funded by liberal foundations and knows how to work the media and politicians. The lobby helped to block new nuclear plants for more than 30 years, it has kept much of the U.S. off-limits to oil drilling, and its 'Beyond Coal' campaign has all but shut down new coal plants. *** The political irony is that not too long ago the Sierra Club and other greens portrayed natural gas as the good fossil fuel."

The key graph:  "But now that the hydraulic fracturing and shale revolution has sent gas prices down to $2.50, the lobby fears natural gas will come to dominate U.S. energy production. At that price, the Sierra Club's Valhalla of wind, solar and biofuel power may never be competitive. So the green left has decided it must do everything it can to reduce the supply of gas and keep its price as high as possible."  (Emphasis is ours.)

Read it all.

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