Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

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PA: Brine Is Not For Drinking

By Greg Russell

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that wastewater produced in Pennsylvania might be radioactive:  "Millions of barrels of wastewater trucked into Ohio from shale-gas wells in Pennsylvania might be highly radioactive, according to a government study."  Fortunately, it's being disposed of through injection wells to formations thousands of feet below the surface.  "Michael Snee, the Ohio Department of Health’s radiation-protection chief, said that’s the safest place for brine.'Injection wells are almost the perfect solution for that disposal issue,' Snee said."

Whew ...

Tags: Ohio, Marcellus, Energy, Brine

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.