Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


EIA: Short-Term Energy Outlook (November 2012)

By Greg Russell

EIA has released its STEO for November 2012:  "U.S. Natural Gas Production and Imports.  Total marketed production of natural gas grew by 4.8 Bcf/d (7.9 percent) in 2011.  EIA forecasts that total marketed production growth will slow in 2012, and that 2013 production will be near the 2012 level.  So far during 2012, production has fluctuated slightly around an average of 69 Bcf/d, in contrast to the strong upward growth seen between 2009 and 2011.  EIA expects some small declines in production in the coming months, related to recent drops in the rig count."


Tags: Energy

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