Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


A Natural Gas Boom

By Greg Russell

Reporting on the debate regarding natural gas exports, the WSJ writes:  "Into this debate, today, dropped a new study from the University of Texas – and paid for with a $1.5 million grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The foundation, a nonpartisan group that often supports work in science and technology that may impact public policy, wanted to know: just how much natural gas was there in U.S. shales at a reasonable price point. The answer, produced by grant recipient University of Texas, was a lot at a price not much higher than current level. *** It predicted rising shale gas production through 2040."

For more, see this NPR article ("But University of Texas geology professor Scott Tinker, who designed and authored a new study of the Barnett Shale, says there's still a lot of gas down there, even after a decade of drilling.").

And here (University of Texas release).

Tags: Energy

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