Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

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Wyoming Trade Secret Ruling Upheld

By Greg Russell

ABCNews is reporting on a recent Wyoming court decision upholding a state Oil and Gas Conservation Commission determination finding frac fluid constituent information to be a protected trade secret.  While the court wrote that both sides had substantial merit, it believed that "the[] competing concerns are best addressed through legislative action, or further rule promulgation and are not properly within the court's purview."  Moreover, the court found "that the state oil and gas supervisor in charge of the commission as a state agency acted reasonably in evaluating requests for trade secret exemptions under the fracking disclosure rule. The environmental groups failed to demonstrate that the supervisor didn't properly follow the rule or state law."

Interesting ...

Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Energy

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.