Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

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Ohio Power Siting Board Adopts Final and Revised Rules

By Greg Russell

On February 18, 2014, the Ohio Power Siting Board issued an order adopting and revising rule changes proposed by its staff. The new rules modify a number of current Board practices, as well as formalize Board practices typically imposed through certificate conditions. New requirements include providing direct notice to adjacent landowners to a project area prior to the first public informational meeting instead of the current requirement to provide that notice prior to the public hearing. The public informational meeting must also be held no earlier than 60 days before application submittal, or a second public informational meeting must be held. Those are just some of the new requirements adopted by the Board. A complete copy of the Board’s Finding and Order on the proposed rules can be found here.  The new rules will not be effective until after the Board’s administrative rehearing period ends, and the rules are reviewed and approved by the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review.

Tags: Energy

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

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