Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Update for Ohio's Oil and Gas Land Professionals

By Jay Carr

The Division of Real Estate & Professional Licensing issued new guidance for Ohio's Oil and Gas Land Professionals ("Land Professionals").  First, the Division updated its Land Professional Disclosure Form. Ohio law requires Land Professionals to provide this disclosure form to landowners prior to or at its first meeting with landowners.  Second, the Division is requesting that all Land Professionals complete the disclosure form in its entirety. Specifically, Land Professionals should include the address and tax parcel number of the subject property. The Division noted that landowners may own multiple properties; hence, the need to identify the subject property. Additionally, the Division recommends that Land Professionals remind landowners to return the disclosure form to the Land Professional and not the Division.

Land Professionals can find the updated disclosure form here.


Tags: 'Utica Shale', landmen, Ohio, Landman, Oil and Gas, Energy, Division of Real Estate & Professional Licensi, Utica

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