Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


DRBC Update II

By Greg Russell

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has issued revised draft regulations regarding the construction and operation of natural gas development projects (for previous entries, see here and here, e.g.).  According to the WSJ:  "Energy companies collectively would be permitted to drill a maximum of 300 natural gas wells after receiving initial approval to explore the Delaware River basin under draft rules released Tuesday by the agency that monitors the drinking-water supply of 15 million people."  (Emphasis is ours.)  (Subscription may be required.)

A hearing to consider the rules has been scheduled for November 21, 2011.  For more, including a copy of the revised regulations, see here.

[Update:  The hearing has been postponed because a couple of the commissioners opposed the proposal.  See here. (Moved up.)]

Tags: Marcellus, Energy, Environment, Utica, Shale

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

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