Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Wastewater Disposal - Ohio

By Greg Russell

We've noted before that Ohio will not allow POTWs to be used for the disposal of wastewater (see here, e.g.).  You might be interested to know that Ohio EPA has asked the Environmental Appeals Review Commission to vacate as unlawful the permits issued to the city of Warren, Ohio, and Patriot Water Treatment, LLC, to allow such disposal:

Revised Code 1509.22(C) specifically states that brine may only be disposed of by one of the following three methods:  (1) underground injection; (2) surface application on roads for dust control and ice; or (3) any other method approved by the Chief of the Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management ***.  Disposal of brine wastewater through a wastewater treatment plant and discharge to waters of the state is not an authorized method of disposal under R.C. 1509.22(C), unless and until the Chief *** approves this technology.  At this time, no such approval has been given.  (Emphasis in original.)

For the filing, see here.

Tags: Ohio, Marcellus, Energy, Environment, Utica, Shale

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