Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


"Everything You Know About Peak Oil Is Wrong"

By Greg Russell

That's the title to an article in BusinessWeek looking at past claims of economic collapse due to exhausted natural resources.  A sample:  "Start with oil. In 1971, the Limits to Growth team forecast that the world’s supply would run out 10 years from today. And yet according to renowned oil analyst Daniel Yergin, technology advances and new discoveries have allowed oil reserves worldwide to keep growing. For every barrel of oil produced in the world from 2007 to 2009, 1.6 barrels of new reserves were added. The World Energy Council reports that global proven recoverable reserves of natural gas liquids and crude oil amounted to 1.2 trillion barrels in 2010. That’s enough to last another 38 years at current usage. Add in shale oil, and that’s an additional 4.8 trillion barrels, or a century and a half’s worth of supply at present usage rates. Tar sands, including some huge Canadian deposits, add perhaps 6 trillion barrels more."

Read the whole thing.

[Update:  (Yes, that was quick ...)  For a similar article written by Peter Orszag, see here.]

Tags: Oil, Energy, Shale

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

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