Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

USEPA announced today the first grants awarded under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. . . with $4.5 million awarded to...

Tags: Initiative, Great, Restoration, Lakes,

We all will likely be reading and hearing more about a US House Bill (H.R. 2018) coming before the full House for a vote - the...

Tags: Clean Water Act, Environment

ASTM has issued a new standard dealing with Continuing Obligations for contaminated properties -- what to do after a Phase 1...

Tags: Environment

Changes Coming to Hazardous Waste Exemption for Recyclables

USEPA has announced that it will revoke part of a Bush era RCRA hazardous waste exemption for recyclables. If you took advantage...

Tags: Environment, RCRA

AEP v. Conn - No GHG Nuisance Claim

The Supreme Court issued its ruling today in the long-awaited climate change nuisance suit. The Court concluded that federal...

Tags: Greenhouse Gas, Clean Air Act, Environment, GHG

Kentucky recently changed its remediation/corrective action statute to formally adopt USEPA Region 3’s “Remedial Screening...

Tags: Environment

Texas May Soon Require Public Disclosure of Fracking Chemicals

On Sunday May 29, 2011, the Texas House passed legislation that could require drilling companies to publicly disclose the...

Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Environment

Ohio EPA Combines Waste Divisions

On April 21, 2011, Ohio EPA announced that it combined its three waste divisions into two. The Division of Energency and Remedial...

Tags: Environment

Ohio EPA Proposed Budget 2012-2013

The Ohio Governor's proposed budget was released yesterday, including the proposed two-year budget for Ohio EPA and the Ohio...

Tags: Environment

Relying on an interpretation of Washington State Law, the federal district court for the eastern district of Washington opens the...

Tags: Environment

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.