Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs
Michigan’s reports that horizontal drilling is helping to eliminate vertical gas storage wells: “Southwest...
Tags: Energy
From The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "The Marcellus Shale is currently the 'largest shale gas play in the world,' and a study from...
Tags: Energy
From Natural Gas Daily: “Gas production from the Ohio Utica shale play has increased almost tenfold in the past two years, making...
Tags: Energy
From the Pittsburgh Business Times: “Pennsylvania’s shale-gas wells produced 1.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas during the...
Tags: Energy
Today, the Supreme Court of Ohio will hear oral arguments in two cases involving the Ohio Dormant Mineral Act (DMA).
Tags: Energy
From the Energy Information Administration: "Natural gas production in the Marcellus Region exceeded 15 billion cubic feet per...
Tags: Energy
We reported on this earlier: The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is now including Utica production from eastern Ohio in...
Tags: Energy
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) publishes individual state energy profiles that you might find of interest. For...
Tags: Energy
We thought you might be interested in this (from the Energy Information Administration): "For the United States, increasing...
Tags: Energy
We've commented previously on the contamination claims related to Pavillion, WY. The Casper Star-Tribune has an update for us:...
Tags: Energy, Environment
You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP provides business and legal counsel to clients throughout the United States and around the world. Since its founding in 1909, our firm has grown into one of the largest law firms in the country, with nearly 375 attorneys who are located in 10 offices in Ohio, Washington, D.C., Texas, Pennsylvania, California, London and Berlin.
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