Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

Not according to a study prepared by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the America's Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA). From...

Tags: Emissions, Energy, Environment, GHG

Lessons learned:  The Oil and Gas Journal has a good article on how benzene exposure lawsuits may intersect with the disclosure of...

Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Energy

The Ohio Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management has published for comment draft rules revising its underground injection...

Tags: UIC, Energy, Utica, Shale

That's the opinion of some industry experts, according to this article in the Seattle Times. "Like a runner who's gotten a big...

Tags: Marcellus, Energy, Utica, Shale

By Greg Russell On June 4, 2012

PA Production

This is interesting. The Energy Information Administration has put together a brief report on the impact of horizontal drilling...

Tags: Marcellus, Energy, Shale

NGL Webinar
By Greg Russell On June 2, 2012

NGL Webinar

We thought you might be interested in a virtual workshop on natural gas liquids to be hosted by the Energy Information...

Tags: Energy

We've reported previously on the Sierra Club's targeting of the nation's natural gas industry (see here, e.g.). The WSJ has a...

Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Energy, Shale

This article from the Times Tribune illustrates the impact of local supplies: "To meet increasing demand, a major project to...

Tags: Marcellus, Energy, Utica, Shale

 Forbes has an interesting article on the possibility that LNG will be the future for U.S. natural gas production: "In this ‘Tale...

Tags: LNG, Energy

By Greg Russell On May 26, 2012

Ohio: New Legislation

The Ohio General Assembly has been busy this past week.  Two pieces of legislation you might be interested in:

Tags: Energy, Environment, Utica

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.