Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

The EPA has just announced its final rule for greenhouse gas emissions from large fixed sources such as power plants and...

Tags: Greenhouse Gas, Tailoring Rule, Environment

USEPA's Desision on Greenhouse Gas Regulation

On Monday, USEPA Administrator Jackson outlined decisions she has made related to greenhouse gas regulation/permitting. The short...

Tags: Greenhouse Gas, Environment

The Washington Post is reporting that 36 Senators introduced legislation yesterday to block USEPA from regulating greenhouse gas...

Tags: Greenhouse Gas, Environment

5th Circuit - Greenhouse Gas Case Moves Forward

On Friday, October 16, 2009, the 5th Circuit ruled that plaintiff landowners had standing under Mississippi tort common law to...

Tags: Greenhouse Gas, Environment

Today the U.S. EPA reversed itself and granted California’s Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) waiver request, allowing the State of...

Tags: Greenhouse Gas, Environment

A Vorys attorney recently had the opportunity to participate in a small group lunch with a member of the House Energy and...

Tags: Greenhouse Gas, Energy, Environment

Today the U.S. EPA proposed a rule that would require approximately 13,000 large source facilities to annually report their...

Tags: Greenhouse Gas, Gas, Greenhouse, Environment,

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.