Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

By Greg Russell On September 9, 2009

Oil Demand Rebound?

A new report from IHS-Cambridge Energy Research Associates concludes that global oil demand will increase next year and possibly...

Tags: Oil, Energy

We reported earlier on the possibility of a vast new oil field below the Bakken in North Dakota. The Houston Chronicle has an...

Tags: Oil, Energy

By Greg Russell On July 15, 2009

Oil Price Volatility

The LAT has an interesting article on competing theories over the cause of oil price volatility. The two culprits (as you might...

Tags: Oil, Energy

The Bismarck-Tribune is reporting that North Dakota may have another vast crude-oil bearing formation below the Bakken. Recent...

Tags: Oil, Energy

By Greg Russell On June 12, 2009

Oil Demand Moderating

The downward demand for oil may be moderating, according to this article in the Washington Post. OPEC is reportedly "cautiously...

Tags: Oil, Energy

By Vorys On May 25, 2009

IEA on Future Oil Prices

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is warning that cuts in new production investments may lead to significantly higher oil...

Tags: Oil, Energy

By Greg Russell On May 13, 2009

Oil Prices on Rise

According to reports in both the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune, rising oil prices may be the result of market investors...

Tags: Oil, Energy

By Vorys On April 28, 2009

Nuclear Energy to Produce Oil

The NYT has an article on how nuclear power may be used to produce oil from oil sands in Canada.  Very interesting.

Tags: Oil, Nuclear, Sands, Energy,

By Vorys On April 16, 2009

Refining Margins

This is interesting - The largest refiner in the U.S. Midwest, Marathon Oil Corp., has reported that its margin on a gallon of...

Tags: Oil, Energy

According to this report in the WSJ, higher futures prices relative to near-term prices (contango) may encourage the increased...

Tags: Oil, Energy

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.