Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

By Greg Russell On April 10, 2011

Inquirer Articles

The Philadelphia Inquirer has a couple of articles to note:

Tags: Energy, Shale

By Greg Russell On April 10, 2011

The Promise of Shale Gas

The WSJ has a good article on the potential of shale gas. "What has become known as the "unconventional-natural-gas revolution"...

Tags: Energy, Shale

By Greg Russell On April 9, 2011

Shale Energy

From CNBC:  "Energy Output From Shale Rock Could Match 20th Century Oil Boom." Best line - "You can't leave 160 billion barrels in...

Tags: Energy, Shale

The Intelligencer has an article on the possible drilling in Ohio: "'The economies around us are benefiting from drilling. You...

Tags: Marcellus, Energy, Utica, Shale

By Greg Russell On March 28, 2011

Ohio Potential

The Plain Dealer has an interesting article on the potential for Ohio oil and gas resources and proposed legislation for drilling...

Tags: Energy, Utica, Shale

By Greg Russell On March 28, 2011

WV Task Force Report

The Register-Herald is reporting that a task force consisting of members from the Bipartisan Policy Center and the American Clean...

Tags: Marcellus, Energy, Shale

By Greg Russell On March 27, 2011

Marcellus: The Origins

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has an interesting article on the start of the Marcellus shale boom. "But a convergence of Wall...

Tags: Marcellus, Energy, Utica, Shale

The Houston Chronicle is reporting that the Haynesville Shale has become the largest producing natural gas shale formation in the...

Tags: Energy, Shale

The Dayton Daily News has an interesting article on potential development in Ohio. "The major new target is what geologists call...

Tags: Energy, Utica, Shale

We noted earlier the articles recently published by the NYT regarding shale development, including the claim that it involved the...

Tags: Marcellus, Energy, Environment, Shale

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.