Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

The Energy & Mineral Law Foundation (EMLF) is holding a Special Institute on Title and Development Issues in the Utica Shale on...

Tags: Energy

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that a recent legislative proposal could impact the rates paid for natural gas service in...

Tags: Energy

Maybe.  StateImpact Texas is reporting on a recent hearing before the Texas House Energy Resources Committee debating that very...

Tags: Energy

The Canton Repository is reporting on new maps generated by the Ohio Division of Geological Survey suggesting that the Utica...

Tags: Energy, Utica

Even the NYT has recognized the potential of Ohio development: "Petroleum from this region once supplied John D. Rockefeller’s...

Tags: Energy, Utica

By Greg Russell On March 16, 2013

Natural Gas Trains?

This is an interesting (and short) editorial from the Boston Herald on the potential for natural gas to be used by trains - and...

Tags: Energy

This article in the Reading Eagle discusses an expansion of Texas Eastern's transmission line in Berks County, PA. "The proposed...

Tags: Marcellus, Energy

By Greg Russell On March 9, 2013

Ohio Activity

We thought you might be interested in these two articles from Columbus Business First:

Tags: Energy, Utica

Even the Los Angeles Times is asking that question: "For more than 200 years, coal has been king in Ohio, occupying a privileged...

Tags: Energy

U.S. Crude Oil Production Near 20-Year High

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is reporting that "U.S. crude oil production exceeded an average 7 million barrels...

Tags: Oil, Energy

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.