Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs
According to a recent article in the WSJ, power company executives are reluctant to fully embrace natural gas as an energy...
Tags: Energy
Our inaugural issue of the Ohio Oil and Gas newsletter offers, among other things, a brief review of oil and gas development over...
The Newark Advocate has an interesting report on the investments the E&P industry has made - and plans on making - in the Utica:...
The WSJ has an interesting article in the possible use of natural gas to power their hydraulic fracturing operations: "A number...
Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Energy
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has an interesting brief on natural gas liquids prices for 2012. Graphically:
The Elmira Star-Gazette is reporting on a New York trial court decision holding that land sales made for natural gas speculative...
Tags: Energy
The Columbus Dispatch has an article on natural gas price deregulation at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio: "With no...
Tags: Energy
The Energy Information Administration's January 2013 Short-Term Energy Outlook has been posted. From the highlights: "EIA expects...
Tags: Energy
We thought you might be interested in this collection of some of the statements regulators have made about hydraulic fracturing...
Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Energy, Environment
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is reporting that a state court rejected arguments by the Sierra Club designed to prevent Dominion...
You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP provides business and legal counsel to clients throughout the United States and around the world. Since its founding in 1909, our firm has grown into one of the largest law firms in the country, with nearly 375 attorneys who are located in 10 offices in Ohio, Washington, D.C., Texas, Pennsylvania, California, London and Berlin.
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