Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs

By Greg Russell On September 15, 2012

CA: There's HF There?

Yes.  Here's an article from the Houston Chronicle on the use of hydraulic fracturing in California that you might find of...

Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Energy

By Greg Russell On September 13, 2012

Storage Wars Coming to Ohio

No, not the popular television show on A&E. Rather, the issue of whether natural gas storage companies also own the right to...

Tags: Storage, Energy, Utica

This is interesting (from the Plain Dealer). "The odds of an extended boom in Ohio's Utica Shale gas production just got a lot...

Tags: Energy

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that wastewater produced in Pennsylvania might be radioactive: "Millions of barrels of...

Tags: Ohio, Marcellus, Energy, Brine

EIA: Natural Gas Price Variability

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) posted an article recently entitled, "Projected natural gas prices depend on shale...

Tags: Energy

The Canton Repository is reporting that the U.S. Forest Service has approved the use of hydraulic fracturing in the Wayne...

Tags: Hydraulic Fracturing, Energy, Environment

By Greg Russell On September 2, 2012

OH: A CNG Entrepreneur

The Coshocton Tribune has an interesting article on one CNG entrepreneur: "Marc DeLuca didn't wait for auto companies to catch up...

Tags: CNG, Energy

By Greg Russell On September 2, 2012

Dimock - An Update

The Philadelphia Inquirer has an article that offers an interesting update on the claims in Dimock, PA: "More than three years...

Tags: Marcellus, Energy

The Hill has an article on Governor Romney's proposed energy plan entitled, "Romney energy plan would hand drilling powers to...

Tags: Energy

By Greg Russell On August 27, 2012

NAPE Summer 2012

For a short summary of what went on at NAPE last week, see this article from the Houston Chronicle. "Energy industry leaders...

Tags: Energy

Helping clients with their energy and environmental needs

You can expect to find news and breaking legal developments involving the crude oil and natural gas industries, alternative and renewable energy resources, and the latest environmental issues.